“February Made Me Shiver” – Part 1

I have been sitting for at least 30 min at Kissproof playing with a puppy instead of getting myself to write this post, since I don’t even know how to begin anymore, having been absent for at least three months.

So maybe I start gradually.

February fell hard on all of us, with the loss of a close friend/sister/little apprentice/champion. And I don’t know if it was that or other painful experiences that gave me the drive to distract my mind with work, but I guess it has been working well for most of the time.
Little one, I was sitting with your godmother at your house. We had a song together a few years back. Don McLean’s American Pie. She was in Dubai when you left us, and she sent me the song. But on that night, two weeks later, in your house, she said to me: Look at the lyrics. “February made me shiver”.
That simple coincidence pinched our heart and made us smile at the same time.


A colleague of mine got me in a production team for a future show called RKOD produced by Iron Heyoka. I got to taste the difference between what you can call film production and show production. It’s safe to say I prefer concerts and music. The rush is just bigger.
Not to be unfair or mean, the work was interesting, the team was fun to work with but… there’s just that running-around-not-sitting-still-for-even-a-second that you don’t get in concerts that I’m just addicted to.
However, brace yourselves for RKOD which will be out when the time is right.

rtrippingThe reason why I had to work on RKOD was for me to understand how a TV show works, since the surprise I have been teasing about on this blog is another TV show I have been dying to reveal. But in order to deliver a good product, good work should be done in the right time.

However the picture can maybe make you guess a bit, since I document most of what I do for this blog. So, that was another project I worked on for the past three months in collaboration with Iron Heyoka.
This one is also going to honor you Melow.

IMG_1689Speaking of Melow, February made us shiver, but also woke us up in many ways. Melanie was a volunteer at 4 a Cause in its early beginning. Her sister and some of her friends joined the team recently, and the old ones all agreed that our next project will go to fund a charity organization her family is trying to open in her name. She believed in helping the less fortunate, she worked with charities organizations and always fought for what was right. We don’t have more information on what is coming up next, but we thought we could star
t by raising funds for the upcoming project, which we trust will reflect the same guidelines we go by. She went by the same.

10995704_929496773757156_3705217952851407934_oSo we threw a party at Behind the Green Door, and we marked our t-shirts with her name on it.

I taught Melanie back in scouts, that in the indian tribes, the right arm was believed to be the strong arm because it was located on the heart’s side.
So we put her name on the right sleeve.

Another good news related to 4 a Cause is Sara Khatib’s dream coming true.
Sara Khatib was an inspirational young woman who left us too early last summer. 4 a Cause threw a concert in her name if you remember Music 4 Sara. You can actually check out a quick sum up of the event on this video produced by Hadrien Bechara.
One of her goals was to open a support group for amputees in Lebanon, since she couldn’t find one herself.
With our help and yours, the funds raised during that concert went straight to her family who worked hard on opening: Look Forward, Sara Khatib’s cancer and amputee association for the youth. Make sure to check it out, and like the page to support this incredible initiative.

On another production side, I have been hired to take over a job I can’t find a right title to with Buzz Productions, for the Byblos International Festival.
I was usually outsourced on this festival as a freelance production assistant these past two years.
This summer, I’ll be working with the routings, schedules and the care of the artists and their teams.
Buzz Productions already announced their first two acts: John Legend and The Script.
The rest of the line up will be revealed soon.


This post has been going for too long now, and I should cut it in half, in order not to bore the life out of you.
The other half will be following this upcoming week.


Creamfields Beirut 2013, Good Team

When you work on site morning to night (or over night), moral is down and physique is tired.
Stress is an enemy and arguments can be more than just common.

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But we have a good team.
A site manager that acts as an operation manager when the latest is missing, a runner that can talk to suppliers as a site manager when the other one is busy… we’re a good team. We help each other a lot, and we didn’t really have another choice when there were some issues at the office.
We try to have the office team come to site every 2 days at night so everyone is updated on everything. That’s how we’re pulling it off I guess.

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On the other hand, we’ve revealed on 4 a Cause more details about Music 4 a Cause:

Taking place at one of the most important clubs this year, The Gärten by überhaus, on Friday October 11th, 2013. All profits will go to Ibtissama, a group of volunteer clown doctors who aim to draw smiles on sick kids in hospitals.

The line up will be announced soon. Stay connected!

I’m on Byblos

The first night of Sunsets’ parties was amazing.
We estimated 700 will show up, and more than 1600 came on that night.
Check out the video here.

As I handed over the Sunsets‘ series to a colleague, I was given the Byblos project mainly among others.

Byblos International Festival Byblos International Festival Byblos International Festival

Went to Byblos early this week to make sure that everything was on its right way for the festival.

We open on Sunday with Yanni afterall.

Following up with Nightwish (Anuryzm opening up for them), Lana Del Rey (with the Wanton Bishops opening up for her), Petshop Boys, One Republic, Rahbani, Paco de Lucia, Crazy Opera & the Scorpions!

At the same time, I’ve been asked to bartend at The Gärten by überhaus: The Gärten is an outdoor venue/club/park/awesomeness in Biel. Grass, dome and amazing chill out spaces are part of the project.

The opening was amazing, loads of fun dealing behind the bar.

JK58 presents Creamfields Beirut 2013

After Byblos it’s full focus on bringing the first international music festival to Beirut: Creamfields!
1 Day, 3 Arenas, 20 DJs…

Check out the line up here, the EarlyBird tickets and all about this first time big international festival in Beirut!

Busy summer, less blogging, more on ground work!

Cheers all, and stay safe in this mad country!

JK58’s Summer Season

Can’t take a moment to breathe.
This is not a complaint, this is excitement.
Very few like their job, and I’m one who loves mine.

Leaving the office after 10PM on most days says we still have the drive we had at the beginning.
So this summer, we started off with the first night of our Sunsets’ series on May 11th, you can check out the video to see how it all went: Watergate 13 Beirut Release Party.
We’re coming back with the second on June 21st.

But before that, there’s the French Play: Une Envie Folle, starting on June 2nd ’till June 5th.
We’ll then hit up a big surprise with Samsung on June 7th, at Beirut City Center.

July is gonna be hectic, since we’re producing with Buzz Productions the Byblos International Festival, bringing in: Yanni, Nightwish, Ceelo Green, Lana Del Rey, Pet Shop Boys, Rahbani, Paco De Lucia, Crazy Opera and Scorpions again!


August won’t have anything special. However we won’t be resting, because JK58 will be bringing you something BIG. And BIG is an understatement.

Stay tuned for more info soon.